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How do I get a duplicate of my number (sim card replacement)?

How do I get a duplicate of my number (sim card replacement)?


Postpaid/Prepaid subscriber must visit one of Azercell Exclusive offices with an ID card to perform the SIM card change operation.

The foreign citizen should submit the following documents for the afore mentioned operation:

  • Temporary or permanent residence permit for a foreigner in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic;
  • International passport.

Note: If a subscriber cannot visit Azercell Exclusive office, the operation can be carried out on the basis of a letter of attorney. Authorised person should provide a letter of attorney, ID card and a copy of the sim card owner's ID.

Legal Persons: 

In order to conduct the operation, the authorized person should apply to Azercell Exclusive office with a letter of intent signed and stamped by the authorized representative of the legal entity and his/her ID card.

The cost of the service:

  • 3.54 AZN