
Kabinetim for iOS Android

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Read books and learn a new language, save your data!


General information

From 23.02.2021 Azercell subscribers who have subscribed to “Bookmate” and “Busuu” apps will be able to use applications in Azercell network without using data.

Enjoy the best educational apps with Azercell.

The campaign is valid until 31.03.2021.

To subscribe


The number line must be active on both sides. The balance must have at least 1 manat AZN. The internet line must be active.

The campaign applies to all types of connections: daily, weekly, monthly.

If there is no internet package, the subscriber may be charged at the tariff for other services, at least any internet package must be available. (in case of updating the software and other services on the device) To take advantage of the campaign, the subscriber's internet line must be open.