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Conflict management

Conflict management

About this training: 

The training is relevant for a very wide group of people because conflicts are possible and/or inevitable in every type of team. This course covers the common reasons, types, and prevention of conflict situations. Partiipants can use the knowledge gained in this training to help them recognize and  manage possible conflicts. 


  • Basics - what we need to know about conflict, typology of conflict
  • Communication in anti-conflict situations
  • Negotiations as a method of conflict resolution
  • Mediation in conflict
  • Conflict behavior strategies
  • Definition of individual development needs
About Azercell Academy

Azercell Academy has come a long way since its inception in 2003

The first Azercell Academy programs were designed only for Azercell’s employees. Their massive success created a demand for similar training across Azerbaijan’s corporate retail, insurance, banking, public service and other sectors. We answered that call with a comprehensive syllabus and expanded facilities.