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Victory is ours, #KarabakhisAzerbaijan

We have been reunited with our Khari Bulbul, our Murovdag, our cradle of culture! The longing of the years is over, and now #together we are #coming to our home, our native Karabakh!

Support for the motherland!
Azerbaijani Flag on Azercell Plaza

Support for the motherland!

In these proud, exciting and difficult days, we tried to show our support for the motherland. We donated AZN 1 MLN to the Armed Forces Assistance Fund and ensured that the balances of military journalists were full. Our proud flag waved on Azercell Plaza and in the hands of each of our employees.

We provided network support to all media workers sent to the line of contact with the enemy and residents of Barda and Ganja, who were subjected to armenian provocations.

Azercell Volunteers

This charity, consisting of Azercell employees, has been supporting the country's orphanages, boarding schools, nursing homes, as well as people in need of treatment for almost 15 years. One of the latest initiatives of «Azercell Volunteers» was to help our soldiers on the front lines during the war. More than 400 boxes of warm clothes, medical supplies and other items were collected and sent to our army by Azercell employees.

Struggle against the pandemic

  • We have made it possible for our customers to donate to the Fund via the Mobile
  • We were first mobile operator to provide free calls to the hotline service (1542) of the State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance
  • We had also uploaded AZN 50 to the balance of Azercell’s active roaming subscribers in the countries with limited transport status with Azerbaijan
  • In cooperation with the “Regional Development” Public Union (RDPU), we presented holiday gifts to 5,728 low-income families through Azerpost
  • We donate 1 MLN AZN to the Coronavirus Response Fund
  • We made Mobile Customer Services free of charge for our subscribers aged above 65 to make sure that they benefit from Azercell’s customer services without leaving their home promises.
  • We did not forget our healthcare workers who risked their lives for us, working day and night in various hospitals and quarantine centers. Making no distinction between our subscribers and the subscribers of the other operators uploaded AZN 50 to the balance of over 600 medical workers currently at service.


Let's protect ourselves, our future and our loved ones together

September 15 - Knowledge Day

September 15 - Knowledge Day

Azercell has established a monthly scholarship for children of martyrs who died in the fighting in April 2016 and July 2020 during the hostilities in Tovuz. Azercell will provide them with a monthly stipend of 300 AZN until graduation. The company also congratulated the first graders of the heroic military personnel who died in these battles. On the day of the holiday, the first graders were also given tablets and various school supplies so that they could better assimilate the teaching materials.

Let Our Digital Solutions Expand Your Knowledge

Based on the lists received from the State Examination Center, “Azercell Telecom” LLC presented tablets to 10 applicants who showed the best results in both exams. The company also provided subscription codes for the popular “Busuu” mobile app to each of the 300 highest-scoring applicants on exams to improve their language skills.

Support for the Children's Paralympic Committee

Azercell has been with the Children's Paralympic Committee since 2014. Thanks to the committee, about 1,000 children with disabilities were involved in sports, and 180 of our athletes competed in the V Children's Paralympic Games.

Call 116-11

Children's Hotline Service

We try to do our best for the children. A mobile application supporting Android and IOS operating systems was developed, the Goygol office was opened and the short number 116-111 was launched within this project.

National Informatics Team supported

We are successfully cooperating with the Ministry of Education. We have acted as the "Digital Sponsor" of the 31st International Olympiad in Informatics, which brings together more than 600 students, teachers and experts from 88 countries. We are proud to have contributed to the success of our team!

June 1 - The International Day for Protection of Children

On the occasion of the International Day for Protection of Children on 1st June, “Azercell Telecom” LLC presents free subscriptions of “Busuu” - language learning service to more than 1000 children in need of special care and children of martyrs.


Azercell employees donated blood for children suffering from hematological diseases.

Mobile Eye and Dental Clinics

“Azercell's Mobile Dental and Mobile Eye” clinics examine and treat thousands of children and adults each year during trips to the suburbs and regions with the support of Azercell and the participation of professional doctors from the “Caspian Compassion Project Public Union”. To date, more than 11.000 people have been examined and treated at Azercell's Mobile Clinics.

World Sight Day

Support for Journalists

Support for Journalists

Evaluating the significant activity of our journalists, “Azercell Telecom” LLC uploaded 5 GB of mobile internet as a gift to the balance of 7000 users of the “Mediacell” tariff on National Press Day on July 22.

National Press Day

Qadın dediyin

Message to the society about women’s Azercell with powerful women and women who are ready to discover their power. Women who choose their own path and walk resolutely towards it are an example and an inspiration for everyone. They show that there are no boundaries on the path to development, education and success. And we always support them.

Bookmate audio book project

"Two Worlds" audio book project

On the occasion of Nasimi's 650th anniversary, 60 samples of his poems have been translated into Azerbaijani, English and Russian and added to the list of audio books offered on Bookmate App.