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To the attention of Azercell pre-paid (SimSim) line subscribers!

calendar 18.08.2023

To the attention of Azercell pre-paid (SimSim) line subscribers!

As of September 19, 2023 the “GencOL2” tariff package provided to pre-paid (SimSim) line subscribers of “Azercell Telecom” LLC will be renamed to “GencOl Heftelik”. The weekly service fee will be determined at 2.90 AZN and more efficient terms of use will be provided.    

The terms of the tariff package “GencOl Heftelik” used by numbers of Pre-paid (Sim-Sim) line susbcribers are as follows:  

Tariff Number of in-tariff minutes Internet volume
“GencOl Heftelik” 100 1 GB
All prices are indicated with VAT inclusive.

Counting interval: for calls - 60 sec, for Internet - 51 KB

Subscribers can get detailed information about indicated changes, the order, replacement and rejection manner of Tariff packages as well as services provided by "Azercell Telecom" LLC, current tariffs, ongoing campaigns by visiting our official website (, also by applying to the Customer Care (CC offices, Call Center available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).