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Negotiation skills

Negotiation skills

About the training: 

This training is oriented towards individuals who would like to develop the necessary skills and techniques to conduct successful negotiations. It will help candidates learn to negotiate effectively and maintain a strong ongoing relationship with the other party.


  • Effective negotiator’s communication skills — the basics of communicative skills for effective negotiations
  • Cooperation-oriented negotiation — developing a cooperative attitude during internal company negotiations 
  • Beginning of negotiations - development of “getting into contact effectively” and “diagnostics of positions and interests of the partner during negotiations” competencies 
  • Discussion and argumentation during negotiations - formation of participants’ argumentation skills 
  • Coming to an agreement and compromise at end of negotiations - mastering basic strategies of coming to agreement in negotiations and effective ways of ending
About Azercell Academy

Azercell Academy has come a long way since its inception in 2003

The first Azercell Academy programs were designed only for Azercell’s employees. Their massive success created a demand for similar training across Azerbaijan’s corporate retail, insurance, banking, public service and other sectors. We answered that call with a comprehensive syllabus and expanded facilities.